There can be big financial benefits to presorting and preparing your mail but it can be complicated, too. The best way to find out exactly what you should do is to look at the USPS Mail Preparation Guidelines. However, we will go over the basics below. Remember that when it comes to finding the best mailing system and mailing supplies, Square One Business Machines has you covered.
Sort Mail into Trays or Sacks
The first step is to sort your mail into specific mail sacks or mail trays. These are provided by the USPS at no cost. You will be sorting both by the ZIP code (three and five digit) and by the type of mail. Once again, refer to the mail preparation guide for full details on this.
Fill Out Postage Statements
Once you have the mail sorted into bags or sacks, you will fill out a postage statement either by hand or online. You will then have barcoded labels provided by the USPS that must be applied to each of the mailing containers you are submitting. Then you can deliver the mail to the post office from which you received a bulk mail permit form.
Could You Benefit from Presorting Services?
If the above sounds like too much work, then there are two main options available to you. One, you can decide that you are not saving enough by using bulk mail rates and pay retail rates. Two, you can decide to invest in presorting services. These do cost money so they cut into your discount, but they can still be worth it if the benefits make sense for your needs.
When you choose presorting service, you get the price of bulk mail even if you do not have the volume. This is great for companies that often have bulk levels but sometimes do not. By combing mailings from several clients, presorting services can work for many companies at the same time.
Another advantage is that you do not need to worry about the equipment, mailing supplies, space, and labor involved in doing the sorting on your own. You also do not need to worry about the ever-changing rules and regulations set down by the USPS.
We Can Help Make It Easy for You to Get Your Mail Out
At Square One Business Machines, we find that most companies can save significantly on their mailing costs by taking advantage of bulk mailing options when available. We recommend you contact us at (972) 370-3664 if you want to learn more about the ways in which our mailing systems, accessories, and supplies can make the job of mailing much easier.